Yesterday I visited Arcadia Earth in NYC, where they incorporate VR and AR technology’s into the experience, allowing you to get a really engaging and interactive experience while learning so much.

The museum is themed around climate change & sustainability, with a particular focus on the local NYC environment, which I found really interesting and the creativity of the artists that put together the exhibition is amazing.

One room in particular really caught my attention, with the room filled with 44,000 plastic bags, attached to the roof and ceiling. These 44,000 plastic bags represent how many plastic bags were used per 1 MINUTE in NYC alone before the plastic bag ban!

NYC plastics bags in Arcadia Earth Muesem
It is great to see how the world seems to be trying to improve local environments to become a better place for humans and wildlife to live. Of course there is still a very long way to go, but we are making progress!

